Thursday, September 02, 2010

30 seconds in word heaven/an influence of mine

Sandra Cisneros is inspired by Lewis Carol and Hans Christian Anderson and "pretty much anything in another time period." Don't believe me?

I am inspired by Sandra Cisneros. I still count The House on Mango Street as my all-time favorite book. The first time I read it I was in ninth grade. Influential! I fell in love with vignettes, descriptive details, and dream-like writing because of that book, and those are still the things that are strongest about my writing, possibly because they came first.

Who has influenced your writing and how?

This is a very lovely video. It hits you like lightning then trickles down your spine.


  1. Dayana...Roald Dahl was a huge influence on my writing. I just loved his wild and wacky sense of humor.
    Thanks for the video.
